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Trick Questions You May Find in a Credit Card Lawsuit

You have to be very careful when receiving a summons and looking over the suit. There will be some tricky questions listed that they’ll use to try and trip you up. The plaintiff’s attorney is going to put them in there on purpose and word them in such a way that you could easily mistake what is being asked or feel like you have to respond. There are some questions where the answer that you give, if you do answer, can be used as incriminating evidence against you.

Look for key words like “if”, “please explain”, “please state” or “please give the date”. These are just triggers, but it is important to notice the words in between and what exactly they’re asking you to disclose. You may not know that information or it’s possible that you are being set up to give information that’s untrue or not necessary. At the end, you will have to initial that you agree the information provided is all truthful and sign under oath.

It can be true that defending your lawsuit over credit debt all starts with the understanding of what to say, what not to say and most importantly how to say it. Remember, if you admit to anything, you will likely lose. Learn the art of deflection which involves answering by not giving an answer. The Defendant’s Package can help you on what you need to say and how to say it when answering your summons. Learn the tricks and tips to handle these sneaky debt collectors. Get to know how the system works. With examples of the documents and first-hand experience, you’ll be well on your way to winning your case.